I simply relish in the serendipitous moments in life when I am certain there is a particular message being sent to me right when I need it. When that special song comes on the radio and those lyrics are speaking straight to my heart, or when a friend calls minutes after they popped into my mind. These occurrences bring me a peaceful and calm sense of security that comes from being connected to something much bigger than myself.
These magical moments have been called many different things depending on your belief system: signs, coincidences, twists of fate, a message from heaven, a tip from a guardian angel, a nudge from your spirit guide, manifestations, God moments, answered prayers, etc. Whatever the name, the game is the same. Messages are being dispatched to us and if we are not prepared to receive them, they will be wasted and left undiscovered.
Here are three simple steps that can help heighten your awareness and set you up for receiving the messages:
Be present. We spend most of our todays being busy regretting yesterdays or preparing for tomorrows that we are on autopilot in real time. How can you experience the beauty of a message meant for you if you are not really there to witness it? You need to be present to receive these gifts (see what I did there?)
Be open. If your brain’s parking lot is full there is no spots for the new message to park. So make time to calm and declutter your mind and leave room for inspiration, curiosity, whimsy and new ideas.
Believe. If you accept that signals will be delivered to you they will be easier to spot and decipher. Let your faith be your decoder and you will see more hummingbirds, hear more lyrics, see the lucky numbers, and so on, because you know how it works.
I am wishing you each the mindfulness, space and faith you need to recognize the precious gifts of synchronicity that are waiting for you.
This blog entry was inspired by Matty’s spectacular friend Tracy. While roommates in college Tracy used to swap her name for “Superman” in this REM classic. This week Tracy had a long and tough work week with many late nights. As she was starting another packed day she flipped on the radio to find this old classic waiting for her. Perhaps a message from her parents in heaven reminding her that she “can do anything.” It made Matty’s whole day just thinking about it. If you want to share your stories about signs, connect with Matty here, she loves to hear them.