
I love to read. I am always better off for having done it, therefore I try to keep books inside my life on the regular. The reason for my reading falls into two main categories.

I read to learn. Currently I am educating myself through books focused on humans; why we are the way we are physically, emotionally and spiritually. Personal development books, resources, leadership guides, business bibles, autobiographies and memoirs line my windowsill. Some sit dogeared from use while some lie in wait to be opened for the first time. 

I also read to escape and my first love ❤️ of fiction leads the way. Stories of mystery, history, love, loss and adventure are a perfect vacation for my busy mind. 

Recently I found a unicorn book that checked both boxes. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, was simultaneously philosophical and fun, as well as educating and entertaining

This is a story about a woman named Nora who is given the chance to experience her unlived lives in parallel universes. These lives exist because of the different choices, both big and small, Nora has made throughout her life (think Sliding Doors). We get to see how much someone can learn by taking another look at her personal regrets. Haig conveniently created a main character with a degree in philosophy to be able to reference Thoreau, Rumi and Socrates to punctuate the lessons. The story itself was extremely thought provoking, and I found myself taking notes on many passages. I wanted to share a handful of these with you here accompanied by a few of my thoughts. (Don’t worry, no spoilers).

“Sometimes the only way to learn is to live.” Many of us are so afraid to make a mistake that we get caught up in the prepping and never get to the doing - lots of show and no go. We are not going to know how things turn out until we start doing them.

“Human connection is the point of everything.” We have learned the lesson in this year of distancing how very crucial connection and community is to our well-being, and how much our relations with others brings purpose to our days. 

“There is no rejection, there's only redirection.” I think Oprah also has said this, but what a great reminder. We can’t make mistakes, we just are simply living and gathering information on how to live tomorrow smarter than we did today. Brilliant. 

“Never underestimate the big importance of small things.” I have said many times that big movements start with small moves, so this is a reminder that making big changes in your life can start by making very small ones. Additionally this statement highlights how the smallest of gestures towards others, that may seem like nothing to you, can change someone’s entire day (or life). That truly is a power that should be fully understood and then used for good. 

“Sadness is intrinsically part of the fabric of happiness. You can’t have one without the other.” We can’t appreciate or understand joy without knowing what despair feels like. We need a reference point, therefore pain really does have a purpose. 

“Aim to be you. To look and act and think like you. Aim to be the truest version of you. Embrace that you-ness. Endorse it. Love it. Work hard at it and don’t give it a second thought when people ridicule it.” It’s a waste of time to try to be like someone else. You are the only one who gets to be you. Authenticity is your ticket to freedom so get on board with yourself. And I just love the sentiment of “endorse it”, don’t you?

This book made me think hard and dream big, and I could not have loved it more. It is my hope that at least one of the golden nuggets shared here rattled your soul enough to give you a different perspective on how to live your life. If not, at the very least, you may have added a new book to your list. 

Matty has belonged to a neighborhood book club since 2016. She is so thankful to the ladies in the club for bringing excellent works of fiction into her life as well as warm and welcoming monthly gatherings filled with chatter, giggles and community. If you want to share your book club stories, favorite book, or get all philosophical with Matty click here. 


