
Lots of people tend to come into the new year real hot. They are excited to share their resolutions, big plans for living differently, and start spreading their renewed energy around the room. Sure, this can inspire us, but it can also overwhelm us, and on occasion annoy us.

To focus on your own growth with less pressure from the outside, and more intention from the inside, I suggest giving the flexible, forgiving, and simple “one word” approach a try. You choose one word that can keep you focused and living with purpose throughout the year ahead. It can be interpreted and used in many different ways, while remaining your home plate; the “you” are running towards at the end of the year.

Last year was the first year I gave the method a try and it really clicked for me. My word from the past year was freedom, and it became such part of my way of being that it will keep it with me always, sort of like a tattoo on my heart*. Giving myself the freedom to be myself and say yes to new adventures, has lead me straight to my word for the new year which is balance.

That sounds awesome, I’m in!  How the heck do I pick my ONE WORD for an entire year? 
Be sure to check in with your head, heart and soul on the search for your intention for the year. Get curious, and consider asking yourself questions like these:

“What do I want to do in the new year?” (grow, risk, rest…)
“How do I want to feel?” (empowered, peaceful, authentic…)
“What do I want more of in my life?” (joy, health, love…)
“What would be a real game changer way of living for me?” (courage, creativity, curiosity…)

After you land on your word, go one question deeper and clarify for yourself, “What does this word mean to me?” This is how you can get a glimpse of how the word can light up multiple corners of your life. Let’s use my word as an example. I define balance in my life as finding a peaceful equity between work/life, myself/others, risk/reward, ally/accomplice, stand up/sit down, yes/no, teach/learn, begin/end, push/pull and more.

How will I remember the word?
This starts with bringing an awareness to it every day. You can post it in places you will often see like mirrors, write it on your daily to do list, place it randomly inside your calendar, or make it your computer password. Maybe you will choose to wear it on piece of jewelry. You may also choose to open up to share the story of your word with someone special in your life. Here’s a fun site to join in communion with others who chose your same word for the year. Through this work your word will eventually become part of who you are, no reminders necessary.

When might I use the word?
When things get overwhelming and you feel like you're drowning, the word can be your life preserver. When you are not being your best self, check in with your word and get yourself right. When facing a tough choice, the word can help shine a light on what you really want; giving you the clarity you need to confidently choose the way to move forward.

Simplifying things can actually raise your game more than long lengthy lists of resolutions and plans. You begin to absorb a way of living intentionally. It leads you to ask yourself, “Who do I want to be at the end of the year and how can this word keep me on track to be the me I want to be?”

Remember this word is for you; there is no judgement here. Go with what feels right to you and you won’t go wrong. Happy New Year! 😊 

*Tattoos on the heart is one thing, but on the body are another. Matty is not currently inked but is genuinely curious. So to those who have actual tattoos, she askes, “How did you bring yourself to the lifetime commitment of the message you chose to permanently place on your skin?” Please share your tattoo stories with her here.


